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ShataTantri Veena (Kashmiri Santoor)
The santoor has a history dating back to the Vedic times. In ancient Sanskrit texts, the santoor has been referred to as ‘Shatatantri Veena’, as it contained a hundred strings. There are references suggesting that the wood used to make the body of the instrument was the walnut tree. The ancient Shatatantri Veena had 25 bridges, each having four strings so a hundred strings in all. The santoor is a popular traditional instrument of Jammu and Kashmir and is played in a unique style known as the Sufiana-mausiki. Some researchers believe it to be the improvised version of another primitive instrument dating back to ancient historical times.

All about it's History
A typical present-day santoor has two sets of bridges providing a range of three octaves. The Indian santoor is more rectangular in shape and could have more strings than its Persian counterpart which generally has eighty-eight strings. Musical instruments very similar to the santoor are traditionally used all over the world.
Though there are quite a few gharanas playing the instrument, a study of its history, evolution, and development has not been recorded in detail. There is a strong tradition of playing the instrument among the Kashmiri Hindus too.

School of Music and Aesthetics